
Slia讨论 | 贡献2018年6月7日 (四) 09:33的版本 (创建页面,内容为“In case of a constrained Best Fit in is possible, starting version 3.6, to define the limits in the fitting algorithm.<br /> The possible constraints are: *Translati…”)
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In case of a constrained Best Fit in is possible, starting version 3.6, to define the limits in the fitting algorithm.
The possible constraints are:

  • Translation
    • Unidirectional optimization along X,Y, or Z direction
    • 2D optimization on the XY,YZ,ZX planes
    • 3D Full optimization
  • Orientation
    • Single Axis optimization
    • Square optimization with 2 Axis
    • Full 3D rotation

In the Best Fit dialog, it is possible to select to constraint in the 2 list boxes present in the "Degree Of Freedom" frame.