
Slia讨论 | 贡献2018年6月11日 (一) 08:03的版本 (创建页面,内容为“Once the installation of ARCO has been completed, it is necessary to carry out a first configuration of the measuring system to define the parameters characterizing…”)
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Once the installation of ARCO has been completed, it is necessary to carry out a first configuration of the measuring system to define the parameters characterizing the work station.
The operations of configuration and customization concern two aspects in particular: the characterization of the measuring system and the management of users.
The management of users is realized using the application System Manager.
With it, for instance, it is possible to define which users are enabled to program the measuring system and which are authorized only to the execution of previously created programs.
After the first configuration of the system System Manager will be used to add or remove users enabled to the use of the measuring system or to change their privileges.