Slia讨论 | 贡献2018年6月12日 (二) 14:28的版本 (创建页面,内容为“A '''Non-DMIS''' command is an instruction that it is not in the DMIS standard.<br /> In ARCO the '''Non-DMIS''' commands are implelemented using the sta…”)
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A Non-DMIS command is an instruction that it is not in the DMIS standard.
In ARCO the Non-DMIS commands are implelemented using the standarnd instruction:
CALL/EXTERN,DME,'routinename' var_4 var_2 where: CALL/EXTERN,DME,'routinename' var_4 var_2

var_2 can be,parameter var_2
ordoes not exist


var_4does not exist

The list if the Non-DMIS is shown here.