
Slia讨论 | 贡献2018年6月15日 (五) 07:41的版本 (创建页面,内容为“'''Read the installation folder''' is possible by querying the environment variables with a non-standard DMIS command.<br/> The function <code>GETENV/</code>…”)
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Read the installation folder is possible by querying the environment variables with a non-standard DMIS command.
The function GETENV/ is used to read the installation folder of the various ARCO application, eahc application has a specific key word to recall the folder.
This function is available from from version 3.4.9, the generic commad is:


The parameters are:

  • ARCOSETUPFOLDER: Arco folder (Typically “C:\Metrostaff\ArcoCAD Inspection”)
  • ARCOREPORTFOLDER: Report folder (Typically “C:\Metrostaff\ArcoCAD Inspection\Reports”)
  • ARCOTEMPLATEFOLDER: Template folder (Typically “C:\Metrostaff\ArcoCAD Inspection\Template”)
  • ARCOSYSTEMFOLDER: System folder (Typically “C:\Metrostaff\ArcoCAD Inspection\System”)
  • ARCODATAFOLDER: Data folder (Typically “C:\Metrostaff\ArcoCAD Inspection\Data”)
  • ARCOUSERFOLDER: User folder (Typically “C:\Metrostaff\ArcoCAD Inspection\User”)
  • ARCODEFAULTFOLDER: Default folder (Typically “C:\Metrostaff\ArcoCAD Inspection\Default”)
  • EROWASETUPFOLDER: Erowa Preset folder (Typically “C:\EROWA\Presetting Support Module”)
  • EROWAMACROFOLDER: Erowa Preset Macro folder (Typically “C:\EROWA\Presetting Support Module\Macro”)
  • EROWAINPUTFILE: Erowa Input exchanges file (Typically “C:\InPresoftData.txt”)
  • EROWAOUPUTFILE: Erowa Input exchanges file (Typically “C:\OutPresoftData.txt”)