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Hardware Interface

ARM BACES 3D: Version 2.7 integrates the arm Friul Robot – Baces 3D in the serial

line version

UCC2 Renishaw Numeric Control: Version 2.7 integrates the UCC2 Renishaw

Numeric Control for continuous or point to point measuring.


Portuguese: Now ARCO is also available in Portuguese language.

General Software Implementation

CAD Engine: The CAD engine has been improved and now it works faster.

User license: Now it is possible to view the User License for ARCO clicking on the

menu 「Product Information」

Manual Indexable Sensors: Arco manages the whole set of manual indexable

sensors. The calibration wizards have been updated and now they allow the

calibration of manual sensors to be executed automatically.

Management of the gauge on manual machines: The gauge used for the

qualification of the sensors of manual machines is now automatically saved and

made available globally

Background of CAD area: Now it is possible to personalize the background of CAD

area by choosing plain or blended colors, or images.

Groups management: Now it is possible to manage the colors assigned to groups,

files or layers separately. Therefore, one may assign different colors to the different

sets of entities which belong to a determined group, file or layer.

Import of Models: CAD models which come from IGES formats or native formats

may be imported keeping unchanged the original colors defined by the project


Reference system view The visualization of the current reference system now

appears on the CAD area.

2D View: Views of the CAD model according to the views XY, YX and ZX are now


Measuring Strategies: In the dialog boxes for the creation of measuring strategies

the measuring tracks are now visible.

Measuring Strategies: Safety points which should be necessary for the accurate

execution of the measuring strategies are now created automatically by the system.

Management of synchronizing elements: The logics of synchronism between

measured elements and the CAD model has been enhanced in order to allow the

operator to choose among the elements available to be synchronized.

Edges Measurement: Real time view of edges now indicate deviations both on the

surface and along the edge itself.

Creation of Multi-View Report: The creation of a multi-view report has been

improved with the possibility of inserting a comment.

Off-line projection of points: Now it is possible for ARCO to take measure of points

and surfaces without the CAD model and to project the feature off-line afterwards.

Continuous scanning Measuring: Now ARCO is capable of managing continuous

scanning through UCC2 Renishaw controls.

Unknown scanning tracks: Scanning process controlled on self teached tracks based

on the DMIS instruction 「PATH/UNKNOWN」.

LINE scanning track: Continuous scanning process controlled on self teached tracks

defined by the DMIS instruction 「PATH/LINE」.

ARC scanning track: Management of continuous scanning process based on self

teached tracks defined by the DMIS instruction 「PATH/ARC」.

HELIX scanning track: Management of continuous scanning process based on self

teached tracks defined by the DMIS instruction 「PATH/HELIX」.

Linked scanning tracks: Introduction of an extension to DMIS language which allows

the linking of more scanning tracks which had been previously defined. This mode,

called 「GASKET」, allows for continuous and blended execution of scanning

processes, which otherwise should be executed one by one.

Saving data case on file: Now it is possible to save a reference system or a whole

database on a file and reload it afterwards

View of CAD Models: Now the view of CAD models is managed through a new

graphic parameter, which allows a simplification of the scene according to the

dimensions of the smallest detail selected to be viewed.

Manipulation of models: Now it is possible to choose among many view options for

a scene during manipulation. For example, now it is possible to choose a view mode

such as 「rendering」 and the manipulation such as 「wire frame」.

Algorithm Certification: The calculation algorithm has been certified by the institute


Run Out Calculation: The method for calculating Run Out tolerance has been further


Measuring of ARCH geometric elements: The measurement of arcs elements is now

compatible with DMIS.

Management of FCR25 tools changer: The management of FCR25 tools changer

allows the use of SP25 sensors and the exchange of the plates of the module in use.

Management of models』 coloring: There is now available a library of materials and

respective edit tools which allow a more realistic depiction of objects.

Execution of programs: The execution module has been improved.

Implementation on CNC Machines

Circular Interpolation: Automatic linear movements for circular and spherical

geometric elements have been replaced by movements of circular

ARKEY: All functional keys of ARKEY remote control are available and active.

Movement in ARCO: The command GOTO/ARC has been introduced in order to

allow circular movements.

Visualization of the temperature: The panel which show the temperature of each

thermal probe handles up to 8 values.

Marking out Viewer: The Marking out viewer is able to manage through ARCO

geometric compensation, the ARKEY remote control and the locking of the axes on

automatic machines

Management of Double Arm: The ARKEY remote control has been included in the

double arm application, so now it is possible to control both machines with one

single keyboard.


For all the release notes on firmware, please refer to the manual installed with the

set up of P3M CONFIG Version 2.2 or higher.