
Slia讨论 | 贡献2018年6月15日 (五) 08:12的版本 (创建页面,内容为“== Hardware Interface == '''Control WPC''': It is now available the use with controller WCP2030 from Pantec'''.''' '''Control Deva: '''It is now available the use…”)
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Hardware Interface

Control WPC: It is now available the use with controller WCP2030 from Pantec.

Control Deva: It is now available the use with controller 004 from Deva.

Control Ucc: The libraries from Renishaw UCC has been updated


Polish Language: The language in Polis hit is now available

General Software implementations

Graphical Simulations of the Measuring Path: It is now possible , as an option, to

simulate the inspection path in Offline mode.

Graphical Editing of Path: It has been added the option to graphically edit the

measuring path on the teach panel before they actually got send to the part


Modification o fan existing program: It is now optionally available the methods to

edit existing part programs and the nominal of the geometrical elements.

GSurf points - Delete: It is now possible to delete point in a Gsurf after the


GSurf points – Visualization: It is now possible to show the deviation of the points

from the CAD area.

Visualization of the name of the feature: It is possible to show the feature name

from the CAD area.

Visualization of the ram of the CMM: The ram of the CMM can be shown in the

graphic area.

Manual inspection strategy: It is possible to create a manual inspection strategy in

run it without the need to interact with the software.

Auto Zoom: The probe can be located in the center of the CAD area during the


Point Definition: The feature point can be defined with direct extraction the


List in PROJECT POINT function: the list of feature in the PROJECT POINT dialog has

been re-organized.

2D Features in Sync: The sync of the 2D elements orient properly the features.

Toolbar Sync/Desync: In the CAD toolbar has been added two iconcs for Sync(De-

Sync operations.

Graphical Selection of lie direction: With the key-combination CTRL+CLICK it is now

possible to graphically select of the lie plane.

Coordinate System in Graphical Report: In the graphical report it is now possible to

show the coordinate system.

Model initialize: after deleting ,modifying or adding models, the geometry is now

automatically initialized.

Feature construction by points: The cursor for the Point feature definition has been


Dialog for Deviation of GSurf and GCruve: The dialog with the real time deviation of

GCURVE and GSurf can be shown in three different sizes.

Higling of deviation in GSurf: In the Gsurf deviation dialog the axis with the major

deviation it is now highlighted.

Multiple Import: It is now possible to import multiple CAD files in one shot.

Deleting Points: During the measurement of an element the point can be deleted by

graphical selection.

Collision handling in CNC mode: After a collision in a CNC mode the user can choos

chete he want to manually measure the elements. In this case after the inspection

the measure will continue in CNC.

Collision during the programmino in teach cad mode: If a collision happens during

the teach cad mode, the feature wil not the aborted but i twill stay with the current

points availables.

Rotation of the Head in Definition mode: When defining a sensor with tilt and Roll,

the system warn before the rotation.

Feature with INNER/OUTER tag: The features with the INNER/OOTER tag can be

switched in the DB viewer.

Virtual probe visualization: The probe can be graphically designed in the wizard,

and , optionally, be shown in the CAD area.

Expire date warning: When the license will expire in the next 15 days, a message it

is now shown.

IGES handling: the IGES import has been improved.

Multi-page reports: The creation of a multiple pages reports has been modified in

order to optimized the efficiency in report creation.

Adding an element to graph. Report: It is now possible to add an element to an

existing graphical report.

PH10 handling: It is now possible to orient the PH10 head from Arkey remote


Solving of the anomalies reported.

Supported CAD releases on native interfaces

Unigraphics : V.15 to NX5

Pro-e : Pro/E 2000 to WildFire3

Catiav5 : 7 to 18

Catia v4 : 4.15 to 4.24

Step: from AP203/AP214.

Solidworks: 3D 2000 to 2007


For all the release notes on firmware, please refer to the manual installed with the set up of P3M CONFIG Version 2.7 or higher.