
Slia讨论 | 贡献2018年6月6日 (三) 14:06的版本 (创建页面,内容为“Due to the DMIS structure, sometimes, it is necessary to build a command as a variable and then execute it.<br/> A typical example of this application is a b…”)
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Due to the DMIS structure, sometimes, it is necessary to build a command as a variable and then execute it.
A typical example of this application is a best fit construction of a non fixed number of elements, in order to do so, it is necessary to build variable with the name of all the feature involved in the construction, then execute that variable as command.
An example of how to use a variable as a command is the following:

$$ First we declare a char variable (called COMMAND) that will contain our command


$$ The command line is then assigned to the variable

COMMAND=ASSIGN/'F(POI_1)=FEAT/POINT,CART, 1.111,2.222,3.333, 0,0,0'

$$ With this command line is possible to execute the memorized command