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It is possible to calibrate DISK probe using the Calibration Wizard.
The implementation at version 3.6 requires a manual modification of the program in order to have the disk calibrated.
The procedure to be followed is:

  • Create a calibration Wizard of the disk probe selecting the graphical definition and all the required angles to be calibrated.
  • Disk Definition.png
  • The Wizard creates a standard definition of the probe, without any definition of the disk, that shall be add manually
  • DiskDefinition In Program.png
  • In order define the disk probe it is necessary to add, as last parameter on each disk definition, the following code ,DISK,height where height represent the height of the disk
  • Definition Complete.png
  • Consider, for a good calibration to let the sphere to be measure with at least 9 points
  • NumberOf Point For Disk.png